Custom Bouquet with Flowers of The Day!
Start from 100K you can get a bouquet with variety flowers that is available on that day!
The flowers are different every day, contact admin for the availability and pictures for more reference.
FREE greeting card and you can request the wrapping!
*the pictures are example of the custom bouquet, so the flowers can't be exactly same, unless those flowers available on that day ❤️
**price below the pics is the estimated price based on the size and the variety of flowers that you want
The flowers are different every day, contact admin for the availability and pictures for more reference.
FREE greeting card and you can request the wrapping!
*the pictures are example of the custom bouquet, so the flowers can't be exactly same, unless those flowers available on that day ❤️
**price below the pics is the estimated price based on the size and the variety of flowers that you want